While a web site seem like a "must have" when you got it build initially, it may have never deliver on what was promise. This is not unusual, the mad rush in years previous to get a web site build, resulted in a number of companies going with designer who were big on promise, but not so strong on stay power. Don´t worry, you are one of many.
SMB Infotech is one of the best web design businesses in USA, we have stayed the course, and from past many years and have built a very good base of clients across a wide range of sector. We can offer you a wealth of advice on redesigning and realigning your web site to meet your requests now and in the future.
Redesign V´s Realign
The wish to redesign is principally driven by an artistic requirement, or a sense of staleness, while the desire to realign is purpose-driven. The redesign seeks to renew, while the realign seeks to relocate your site which may or may not take in a full redesign as part of this process. We can examine your current user experience and work with you to develop an offer which gets you ahead of competitor sites across a range of criteria including – Design, Usability Functionality and SEO. Improve offer a range of services which will enhance your website. We have been helping business and organizations for over 5 years with a wide range of solution, including:
- E Commerce Solutions
- Analytics
- Intranets/Extranets
- SEO(Search Engine Optimization) Features
- Blogs, Forums and RSS feeds
- CMS(Content Management Systems)
- Other Bespoke Solutions
- Mobile